Wegen des TFA-Streiks haben wir am Freitag, den 21.02. nur bis 15 Uhr geöffnet, bei eingeschränktem Leistungsangebot
We offer a wide range of veterinary services
Anaesthesia Thanks to state-of-the-art anaesthesia management and monitoring, we keep the risk very low, even in older patients
Imaging diagnostics Thanks to digital X-ray system and ultrasound, we can detect diseases at an early stage
Dental X-ray Only by means of dental X-ray is a detailed workup of certain diseases in the oral cavity possible
Dermatology/Allergology Microscopic examination of swab samples, fungal cultures, cytologies, skin biopsy, nutritional counselling for allergic skin diseases, allergy testing
Endoscopy By means of endoscopy we examine organs such as the auditory canal, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and, if necessary, remove foreign bodies and take samples
Small animals Through special training we can also offer the best possible care for small animals such as gunia pigs, rabbits, etc.
Internal medicine We diagnose and treat metabolic diseases, hormonal diseases and diseases of the internal organs
Cardiology We offer cardiac ultrasound examination, ECG, blood pressure measurement with the latest technology
Laboratory In our in-house laboratory we can examine blood, fecal and urine samples within a very short time and provide fast results
Orthopedics Cruciate ligament surgery, patellar luxation
Preventative medicine Vaccinations, parasite prophylaxis
Soft tissue surgery We offer castration of male and female animals, tumor removal, gastric torsion, removal of foreign bodies from the gastrointestinal tract, surgery of hernias
Dentistry Dental treatments with modern dental station for scaling, tooth polishing and extractions, FORL treatment for cats, rodent dental treatments for rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas